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hi, i'm ave!

Social justice has made its way into mainstream discourse, but not everyone feels confident enough to join the conversation.


That's why I created Let's Talk Feminist. I want to fill in knowledge gaps with statistics, historical facts, important activists, concepts, and other resources so that YOU can feel more confident talking like a feminist.


I'm still on my journey to becoming a better feminist and a better ally, and I invite you to join me!


she/they, queer, polyamorous

A couple disclaimers...

Disclaimer #1: I am not perfect or all-knowledgeable.​


I am not a "perfect feminist," nor am I the only feminist you should listen to and learn from. I'm receiving an undergraduate degree in Women's & Gender Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and I make it a personal goal to engage with feminist literature and activism, but I absolutely don't know everything! This website should act as a starting point, leading you to other feminists and resources to continue on your journey.



Disclaimer #2: There's no "right" way to be a feminist.


Feminism is the overarching term to describe an ideology and movement, but the way it's practiced by each individual and community will vary! Beyond the subgroups like "environmental feminism" and "radical feminism," you will see nuances in how each feminist understands, talks about, and acts upon their beliefs. The goal is for you to gain knowledge and decide for yourself how best to practice feminism.



Disclaimer #3: I have privilege.


I'm white and currently able-bodied. I am college-educated, have never been unhoused, and carry different forms of privilege with me every day. In order to use my privilege for the benefit of others, I make it a priority to reference and cite the work of marginalized voices whenever possible. This platform highlights perspectives that have been erased and ignored.


Thanks for submitting!

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